- Panch Bhutas
- Kabir’s Doha
- Miscellaneous
- Aranya
Panch Bhutas
Our journey to explore the 5 Elements (Panch Bhutas) namely – Bhumi, Jal, Agni, Vayu and Vyom.
These elements have different characteristics and these also account for different faculties of human experience. We have tried to explore them through our perspective.
- Bhumi
- Jal
- Agni
- Vayu
- Vyom
In the softness of fur, we ponder the grace, of fleeting moments, the warmth we embrace.
Scales like armour, a shield from the fray, reminds us of strength in the trials of day.
Feathers aloft, they whisper of flight, A longing for freedom, transcending the night.
In each varied texture, the universe speaks, Life’s myriad journeys, the wisdom it seeks.
The rough and the smooth, both vital, profound, in nature’s embrace, our true selves are found.
From the depths of the earth to the heights of the sky, In textures of being, we learn how to fly.
We are …… the narrators, We are ……Shailesh Rajput Studio.



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